Courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
Baseball, what is referred to as “America’s Pastime” has been around since around 1846. The sport means so much to people around the world and sometimes their love for baseball goes beyond the game itself. What does baseball mean to you? These are some stories from baseball lovers (or fans) about what the game means to them.
Maggie’s Story
Maggie is a huge fan of the New York Yankees. She said, “To me, baseball means family, passion, [and] excitement. It is something I know I can rely on for not only entertainment but also comfort, even when my team puts me through the wringer.” Baseball has always been a big deal to Maggie and her family. She was around 10 years old when she started putting more attention into the sport and really started to love it. Maggie’s brother, Uncles, and her cousins are the ones that got her into baseball. Maggie said, “Baseball has allowed me to feel closer to them even though we don’t see each other often. It was my uncle who brought me to my first ever Yankee game two years ago and that was probably the best day of my life.”
Maggie’s favorite moment of the 2024 season so far was when rookie Ben Rice hit three home runs in one game. She loved the fact that he grew up a Yankee fan, it made the moment even cooler. Maggie also loves the dynamic between Aaron Judge and Juan Soto.

Courtesy of Maggie Sullivan
Fun Facts about Maggie:
Her favorite stadium is Yankee Stadium, although she claims she is biased.
Currently, one of her favorite players is Tommy Kahnle, who is a pitcher for the Yankees. She loves him because “his personality is incredible, and he seems to just have a lot of fun.” Aaron Judge is a player that will always be one of her favorites. Maggie says that “he is a big reason why I started to seriously get into the sport as well.”
As for her prediction for the World Series, she hopes it will be Yankees vs Phillies.
Alley’s Story
Alley’s favorite baseball team is the Detroit Tigers. The sport means a lot to her, and it was what made her realize she wanted to work in sports. Alley said, “I’ve always been around sports my whole life as an athlete, but there is just something different about baseball that is so exciting, nerve-racking, and fun at the same time. It will forever have a place in my heart.” Alley used to go to baseball games with her dad when she was younger, but three years ago was when she realized her love for the sport. She said, “I attended Opening Day for the first time, that day my love for the sport grew insanely. I finally sat down and enjoyed each inning of the game, and I realized how interesting it was to watch.” In that game the Tigers won in a walk-off, ever since then, Alley has been hooked on the game.

Courtesy of Alley Ruthenberg
Alley’s dad is the one that got her into baseball. She said that [He] “always had the baseball game on the TV or radio, so he would be the one that I can dedicate my love for the sport to.” Alley’s favorite moment from this season was one of the games when the Tigers played the Dodgers. In the ninth inning, the Tigers were down 9-4. In the bottom of the inning, they scored five runs to tie it up and had a walk-off in the 10th inning. Alley said, “The game was electric, and it was so fun to watch one of the rookie players tie up the game in the 9th."
Fun Facts About Alley:
Alley’s favorite stadium is Comerica Park.
Her favorite player is Spencer Torkelson. Alley said he is her favorite because she saw him make his MLB debut and his first big league hit. She said that “Both experiences were so amazing to watch.” Another two favorites of Alley’s are Tarik Skubal and Miguel Cabrera. Alley saw Cabrera “...hit his 3,000th hit and was able to attend his last baseball game he ever played in the majors.”
Anthony’s Story
Anthony has been a fan of the Yankees since he was young. He said he cannot remember a moment specifically when he fell in love with baseball, it happened over time. He said, “In my case it was probably when I was in my pre-teens. My beloved Yankees were just awful, and I had a gray athletic shirt with the official red, white, and blue Yankee logo that said, “PROPERTY OF THE NY YANKEES.”” Anthony said he is not quite sure when he got into baseball as his father was not a fan. Most of the kids on his blocks were Mets fans but his cousin liked the Yankees, so he followed him.
Anthony does not have a favorite moment in particular from this season. He said the Yankees had such a promising start to the season, now that we are halfway through, they are struggling. He did say he loved the start of the season when the Yankees swept the Astros.

Courtesy of Anthony Colistra
For his favorite team and stadium, he said, “Regarding my favorites, for me there is only one team and one stadium. The NY Yankees and YANKEE STADIUM.” He does not currently have a favorite player but when he was young it was captain Thurman Munson. When he was in little league, he was a catcher. He still remembers how his coach said to him “When you toss your mask, toss it away from you just like Thurman does it down at the stadium.” “Wow! Just like Thurman? Yeah! Yes!” Anthony said that might have been the moment he realized he loved the sport or when he got to see Munson up close. He was doing a free autograph session at the local mall. Anthony said, “I didn’t get an autographed photo, but I wasn’t disappointed because I saw him! I saw him up close! I saw Thurman Munson!” When Munson died in the plane crash it was so devastating to him and all Yankees fans.
In 2009, when the new Yankee Stadium opened, was the year Anthony first received his MLB press credentials. He said, “I have had what I consider an honor to have photographed every Yankee team since then. I can’t even begin to describe what a thrill it has been. Jeter, A-Rod, Mariano, Posada, Judge, Soto, and Cole have all found their way in front of my lens. I cannot even begin to describe what a thrill it has been.”
As for his World Series predictions, he is unsure of who will face off to win, but he hopes it is the Yankees.
Jack’s Story
Jack is another big fan of the New York Yankees. To Jack, “Baseball means family. Growing up being raised to be a Yankee fan makes the sport not only fun to watch but important in my family.” The moment Jack knew he loved baseball was to watch Derek Jeter’s last at-bat. He said he has watched the video over and over again so many times. Jack loves to watch the video because of “the beauty of the game and the legends it creates.”

Courtesy of Meaghan Sullivan
So far in the 2024 season, Jack’s favorite part was the Yankees’ opening series against the Houston Astros. He loved that he got to see his team sweep their recent rival. Jack’s World Series prediction is another 2009 matchup, Yankees vs Phillies. He believes the Yankees would win it in game six.
Edited by Giana Robertaccio