Now that spring training is in full effect, so are the 2024 spring training caps. Around 2010, the MLB decided that every team would have a spring training cap, different from those during the regular season. They have gotten very creative with the caps over the years. Here are the ten best of 2024.

10. Milwaukee Brewers
This Brewers cap is not all that different from their regular season cap but the slight change makes a big difference. It has the same logo but the hat is navy blue instead of yellow. The yellow makes it pop so much more.
9. Seattle Mariners

This simple teal cap has the Mariners logo on it. The regular season cap has this same logo on it, but it also has an “S” under the compass. The teal was a great color choice for this cap.

8. Texas Rangers
This baby blue cap is spectacular. While not too different from their regular season hat, it’s still quite beautiful and has so much character.

7. Chicago Cubs
This all-blue hat is excellent. Straying away from their standard cap logo, this cap is new and fresh. The two shades of blue go together very well.

6. New York Mets
This hat is beautiful and vivid. Even with the regular season cap’s logo on it, it still differs from the traditional cap. The traditional Mets cap is blue with “NY” in orange. The other Mets hat that is often seen is with the “NY” in orange and black. This cap has both the blue and orange on it, but on different parts of it, they blend beautifully together.

5. Miami Marlins
This bright blue cap screams warm weather and warm weather means baseball season. It is the same logo they use on their current caps, but even the slight color change makes a big difference.

4. Philadelphia Phillies
The Liberty Bell, a historical landmark in Philadelphia is seen on this cap. The bell is currently their primary logo, but is not seen on any of their jerseys or regular season caps.

3. Minnesota Twins
This Twins’ cap is like no other they have. The two flags on it represent the Twin Cities in Minnesota. The “M” is for Minneapolis and the “S” is for Saint Paul. This cap looks pretty simple, but still represents a lot.

2. Detroit Tigers
This bright orange cap is expressive and fierce. This cap is very different from their usual cap that has the letter “D” in old English. The Tigers had this tiger as an alternate logo around the early 2000’s.

1. Arizona Diamondbacks
This majestic blue cap is show-stopping. The Diamondbacks are named after the Western diamondback rattlesnakes. While the Diamondbacks do use the snake logo, it is not seen as much as their primary logo, so it was fun and different for them to put this logo on the cap. A fan coined the phrase, “Snakes Alive” during this past postseason. The saying is illustrated well in this cap. This is a 10 out of 10 cap.
Edited By Shaniya Scales